We take our responsibility to safeguard children and vulnerable young people very seriously. Our safeguarding policy and practices are aligned with Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023), Keeping Children Safe in Education (2024) and NSPCC guidelines in Safeguarding and Child Protection. We believe that every child and young person deserves to live a safe and happy life regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.
Our approach to safeguarding ensures we are:
Reporting Safeguarding Concerns
Where there is a possibility of abuse, harm or neglect by a person or persons, everyone has a responsibility to report their concerns to the appropriate person.
If you have concerns related to the safety and/or wellbeing of children, young people or vulnerable adults accessing our services, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Kelly Headen – Head of Fostering & Supported Lodgings
07809 340638
Management of Concerns
We take all reported concerns, suspicions or allegations of abuse and/or poor practice seriously and will respond swiftly and appropriately. We will support people who report their concerns in good faith and will investigate the concern promptly, referring to the appropriate people and external agencies where necessary.
It is not the responsibility of anyone working/volunteering at Step by Step Fostering to decide whether or not abuse had taken place, however, we will act on any concerns by reporting them to the appropriate external agencies.
We will take appropriate actions within our power to enable any child, young person or vulnerable adult to have the best outcomes.
© Copyright 2023 Step by Step Fostering Ltd. All registered trademarks and logos acknowledged. Reg Company No. 13672670 | Ofsted Reg No. 2721151 | Reg Address:
36 Crimea Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 1UD, UK